

immagine news

6 March 2023

Barrio21: fondazione illimity's new project for young “care leavers”

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20 December 2022

Interview with Daniele Levi on (RE)GENERATION CAMP for DiverCity Magazine

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16 December 2022

Daniele Levi talks about (RE)GENERATION CAMP at StartupItalia

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12 December 2022

Elena Perriello talks about fondazione illimity at Credit Village

Presskit fondazione illimity

fondazione illimity, instituted by illimity Bank S.p.A. in the first half of 2021, was created specifically to enhance the potential of real estate assets, regenerating them for use in social utility projects. The foundation is active across Italy through a network of partnerships. It plays the role of the hub that catalyses and enables a synergistic ecosystem of social enterprises, non-profit organisations, public and private entities looking to support projects for the creation of new spaces for inclusion, cohesion and shared well-being. fondazione illimity is a separate and independent entity to the banking group and, in its activities, it works with professionals that have extensive experience in social planning and impact investing initiatives as well as research centres, institutes and universities, both in Italy and abroad.

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manifesto fondazione illimity


© 2021 | fondazione illimity | Sede: Via Soperga 9 – 20127 Milano | CF 97891150159 | PEC: fondazione@pec.fondazioneillimity.it